Gladiator® GearTrack Set 3 includes the following components: (6) GAWC042PZY - Gladiator® GearTrack 4 Channels (2-Pack) - enough GearTrack to cover 48 linear feet. (2) GAWG302DRG - Gladiator® Welded Steel 30" Wall GearBox (1) GATB302DRG - Gladiator® Welded Steel Tall GearBox Cabinet (2) GAWA30SFRG - Gladiator® 30 in. Shelves (1) GAWA18SKRH - Gladiator® Starter Kit which includes: One 18 in. wire basket, 1 Deep Hook, 2 Tool Hooks, 1 Utility Hook (1) GAWA24SKRH - Gladiator® Completer Kit which includes: One 24 in. Mesh Basket, 1 Deep Hook, 2 Big Hooks, 2 Tool Hooks, 1 Utility Hook, 2 Twin Hooks, 1 Wide Hook, 1 Scoop Hook, 1 J & L Pack (8 hooks), 1 Small Item Bins Pack (6 bins)